Thunderstorms and Fireworks

Consider what fireworks and thunderstorms must look like to a pet.  There are sudden, incredibly loud noises like nothing else that they hear and which would normally make animals in the wild run for their life.  There are flashes of light that they would never have experienced before and, more often than not, there’s the family making excitable noises, jumping to look out of the window and talking loudly to each other.  Add to that, the inability of the pet to know whether this scary situation is ever going to end.

Preparation is essential if dogs, cats, small animals and birds are to get through firework nights or sudden thunderstorms with the least amount of fear and stress possible.  

Prior to the night, make a special place for your furry friend to go to.  Their favourite room in the house would be the best place but really, any room indoors will do the trick.  Choose a room that is naturally quiet such as one in the centre of the house or with a minimal number of windows.

Put in lots of blankets for the dog/cat to dig into in the room and include an old, unwashed piece of clothing which will provide comfort if you are away. 

For pets that are known to blindly panic during fireworks and storms, a visit to the Vet may be worthwhile.  We may subscribe medication that will help to reduce their fear.

Location Hours
Monday8:00am – 6:00pm
Tuesday8:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday8:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday8:00am – 6:00pm
Friday8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday8:00am – 1:00pm